We produce high-quality sugar and strive for excellence across our company functions.

Our value chain extends across state- of- the- art manufacturing installations equipped with a combined capacity of 31,000 tons of sugar per day. Our shops are all located in Thailand.

Led by the visionary focus of our author, we’re constantly working on nurturing a sustainable growth docket that drives business profitability and environmental leadership. Besides contributing to renewable energy, we also earn earnings from the same, as well as through the trade of CER( Carbon Emission Reduction) and REC( Renewable Energy Certificate).

At the core of our business docket is our focus on ethical practices and translucency, backed by a talented and professional platoon, which is committed to delivering excellence across all parameters of our business.

We produce the Finest Sugar

Importance of Sugar

Sugar is considered an integral part of the mortal diet and numerous staple foods. Sugarcane accounts for nearly 80 of global sugar product. The top ten sugar producing countries – India, Thailand, China, the US, Mexico, Russia, Pakistan, France and Australia regard for nearly 75 of the global affair. Thailand accounts for 40 of world sugar exports and is the crucial player in the transnational request, with 70 of its total product being exported in the transnational request.

High Quality Production

Our company forcefully believes that club vacuity and quality play significant places in the success of the sugar business. This is why we examined club kinds, linked one that suits the Thailand geomorphology, made use of superior quality seeds, and covered club planting and club growth until crop. Pranburi Suger Industry company limited is among the leading sugar manufacturers in Thailand with a crushing capacity of 76,500 tons of club. communicate us for further information.